Is this a travel league?

No, all of the games will be played every Saturday at Brent Steuerwald stadium on the Shenendehowa campus. Located at 970 NY-146, Clifton Park, NY 12065

How frequent are the practices?

During the month of August, practice will be from 5:30 to 7:30 PM Mon – Thurs.

Once school begins, practice will be from 5:30 to 7:00 PM Tues & Thurs.

How long does the season run?
    • 2nd Week of Aug – 2nd week of Oct
    • Combine is 2nd week of Aug
    • First practice (5th & 6th grade) TBD (2nd week of Aug)
    • Regular season starts 1st week of September. Games are played on Saturday evening from approx. 5p-9p
    • 6 regular season games & 1 Senior Bowl
Where are the practices held?

Shatekon Elementary School Fields

35 Maxwell Dr., Clifton Park, NY 12065

Do you follow the NFL tackle rules?

For more information, please refer to league rules HERE

Are the referees paid or volunteers?
  • They are paid through the JP Plainsmen’s Program. They are the Shen Refs.
  • The coaching staff are parent volunteers
  • The score is kept on the digital scoreboard
Are the divisions broken up by age or by grade?

By grade

Can girls and boys play tackle football?


Is there a tournament or tryouts?

There is a combine for all players. They are rated according to skillset and given a number. All players are guaranteed a spot.

What time of skills are reviewed at the Combine?

Throwing, running, blocking

    • Combine – an evaluation day where their talent level is assessed. NO CUTS. Players are then placed in a draft and coaches form the teams by age and performance.
How does the draft work?
  • Based on the rating given at the combine. Coaches fairly and equally divide each player so the teams are evenly matched.
  • The linemen are based on your child’s weight.
What all is covered by the registrations fees?

Plainsmen Jersey,  Certified Helmet with stickers, and shoulder pads

    • You will be able to purchase a team t-shirt after the teams are formed.
      • A player shirt and one for the parents.

Raffle tickets

        • You are welcome to purchase additional tickets.
What gear do I have to purchase?

Mouth piece w a strap

Integrated football pants


Chin strap

Protective cup

Practice jersey

Why does the season start so early in August?

To allow for enough practices for the season.

Are there a specific number of practices needed to play (hitting/tackle drills)?

A minimum of 10 total practices.

When will team assignments be announced?

Draft is the Friday after the combine & assignments will be available the next day

The roster can hold a maximum of 22 to 26 players

Where is the location of the Shed?

If you are facing HS West, the Shed is to the right along the path that leads to the smaller tennis courts.

How are you fitted at the time of pick up?

The coaching staff will fit your child for their helmet and shoulder pads

What is the role of the team parent?
  • They assist the coach in overall team management
  • Coordinating snacks for half time
  • Collecting banquet forms
  • Information on raffles
Who runs the concession stand?

The parents are asked to volunteer each game.

    • They do not have to volunteer during their child’s game.
How do we highlight the experiences for the players?
  • There is a cheer program. Each team has their own Cheerleaders
  • The players wear pink socks in Oct for Breast Cancer Awareness
  • The parents wear shirts to match their child’s team & colors
  • Tailgating party hosted by parents
What is Junior Plainsmen Night?

The JP players & teams are introduced onto the Shen field with the Varsity Team.

    • Generally this game is the first home game for the Varsity Team.


We are a Tackle and Flag football League - with our players competing at all levels.

© 2025 Junior Plainsmen Football. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.